A humor szerepe az elektromos reklámszlogenek életében
Successful Slogans - the Role of Humour
Listener: Mr Atkinson, could you tell us why humour plays an important role in making slogans even more successful?
Slogan Writer: Well, I’ll try to tell you why. You know, people, that is, potential customers are in a hurry all the time. Most of them do the very same boring routine day by day. I think people love laughing; and, consequently, they’ll greatly appreciate it if they come across a slogan like this: “is it live or is it Memorex?” They don’t usually focus on the product, they usually focus on laughing.
Listener: Could you mention any other slogans that you like?
Slogan Writer: Yes, I Iike this one a lot: “neighbour’s envy, owner’s pride.” It’s the slogan of Onida TV, which is an Indian TV set. In my opinion, it goes to show how easy it is to publicise a brand name with a certain amount of humour.
Listener: Oh, yes. It’s quite interesting!
A Sony híresebb szlogenjeinek bemutatása
The Most Famous Sony Slogans
Marketing Manager: Today we should deal with one of the components that have made Sony so successful.
Listener: Could you tell us what it is?
Marketing Manager: Yes, of course. In my view, one of the key components in building such a successful brand image is making up good slogans. For example, anyone who has ever heard about Sony will listen to the following: “It’s a Sony.”
Listener: Yeah, that’s right. Could you mention any other slogans?
Marketing Manager: Well, listen to the following: “live in your world, play in ours.” Again, it sounds as if Sony were able to lift us into another realm.
Listener: But in a way it’s true, isn’t it?
Marketing Manager: Yes, it is. Well, after the break, we’re going to play a short game. Your task will be to make up a new Sony-slogan!
Ceruzaelem-gyártó szlogenek
AA Size Battery Slogans
Andrew: Look at all these batteries on the self! There are so many brands, aren’t there?
Charles: Yes, there are. But how do you think customers can make a decision?
Andrew: I think advertisements play a very important role in this field of business. For example, can you remember the most popular Energizer slogan?
Charles: “Keeps going and going and going.” – Yes, of course. I can still see the little toy bunny walking ahead. I think it even had a small drum that it was hitting.
Andrew: Yes, it’s funny how they could combine the visuals, the sound effects, the voice-over and the humour.
Charles: I think Duracell also had some good slogans. For example, I’m sure you remember this slogan: “one that lasts.”
Andrew: I think it was Duracell, wasn’t it?
Charles: Yes, it was!