A marketing előadáson az előadó ismerteti a hirdetések készítésének szokásos okait
Marketing Presentation: The Reasons for Advertising
Marketing Manager: Today I’m going to tell you about the most common reasons for advertising. Let’s talk about them one by one. The first reason for advertising is launching a new product. I think all of you have come across this example.
Listener: Could you give us any further examples?
Marketing Manager: Yes, the second reason is expanding the market to new buyers, which is very frequently the reason. If we have a particular number of buyers, we may want o have even more buyers.
Listener: Are there any other reasons for advertising a product?
Marketing Manager: Yes, the third and fourth ones are price changes (meaning usually a reduction of the price) or special offers.
Listener: Are there any advertisements with a function of reminding the buyer that the product exists?
Marketing Manager: Yes, there are. The official terms are “maintain sales and remind.” But let’s have a short break now. After the break I’d like to show you a couple of examples in order to illustrate what has been said so far.