A kutatás-fejlesztés üzletágvezető beosztottai
Research and Development Manager’s (R&D) Team
The Research group creates visions of the future by building prototypes that combine new technologies in innovative ways. They show how emerging technologies can have a significant impact on clients in the next years. The researchers and developers work on such prototypes to maintain and develop their organizational performance.
The Development group explores new technology solutions that are currently available, but are still away from widespread adoption, and uses them to create business applications for clients. Such applications can be a new medicine, new medical instruments or any other new technical appliances.
A marketing vezető beosztottai
Marketing department’s activities
Depending on the size of a company and the type of business they do the marketing department may be a team of 1 or 2 employees or a bigger team of over 10. Big companies tend to work with agencies and outsource the biggest parts of the marketing activity.
In case of a multinational company there are minimum 2-3 agencies they work with:
• PR (public relations) agency
• Advertising agency for ATL (Above The Line)
The head office of a multinational company usually selects the ATL agency and this agency supplies strategic marketing material (films, posters, radio spots) to the affiliates in different countries. Usually local affiliates are not allowed to work with other agencies on ATL issues. This is how high quality standard is granted.
• Advertising agency for BTL (Bellow The Line)
BTL agencies satisfy all marketing needs beyond the ATL agency’s international campaigns. These needs are: decoration, leaflets, local promotions, etc.
• Market research agency
These agencies are contracted on an occasional basis. Whenever it’s needed to conduct a research all specifications must be given in a detailed briefing.
Az értékesítési vezető beosztottai
The Sales Manager’s team consists of Sales Representatives (Reps). These Representatives have several common responsibilities, like:
• Keeping contact with existing customers personally or through the phone.
• Setting appointments with potential customers through personal contacts and referrals.
• Presenting products to prospective customers and writing up customer orders.
• Assisting existing customer with service requests.
• Reviewing personal performance with the local office manager through meetings and over the phone.
• Attending advanced training sessions and conferences that are regularly offered to increase knowledge and productivity.