A folyékony mosószereket gyártó cég megállapodása a csomagolóanyagokat gyártó vállalattal
Ordering Plastic Barrels for Carrying Detergent
Sales Director (of a detergent manufacturer): Good afternoon. This is Theodore May. I’d like to talk to someone about ordering plastic barrels, please.
Sales Agent (of a plastic factory): Good afternoon. This is Colin Walcott. Can I help you?
Sales Director: I’m calling on behalf of my company that produces detergents. We’d like to order plastic barrels from you so that we can transport a large amount of detergent overseas.
Sales Agent: I’ve got to ask you two questions. The first one is the following: what size barrels did you think of?
Sales Director: We’d like to order 50-litre barrels from you.
Sales Agent: And how many 50-litre barrels do you need, sir?
Sales Director: We’ d like to order 10 of them.
Sales Agent: Do you wish the barrels to be delivered to you factory?
Sales Director: Oh yes, that would be very nice.
Sales Agent: All right. Please, give me the address, and the barrels will be there by tomorrow morning.
Sales Director: Thanks a lot! Good bye!
Sales Agent: Thank you, sir! Good bye!
Egy rizsfeldolgozó konkrét rizsexport-szállítmány ügyének lebonyolítása
Dragon &Co Rice Mill Sales Director Organises Rice Export
Edward Lee (Sales Director of Dragon &Co Rice Mill): Good morning. This is Edward Lee and I wonder if I could talk to someone about transporting a large consignment of rice overseas.
Forwarding Agent: Good morning, sir. This is Charles Teetotaller. I am the forwarding agent of Young & Co Forwarding Plc. Could you give me more details about this consignment?
Edward Lee: Certainly. I’d like to organise the transport of 450 tons of rice by sea.
Forwarding Agent: Certainly, sir. I think the port of departure will be in Dover, but is it all right if the port of destination will be in New York City?
Edward Lee: Yes, that would be perfect! And could you please calculate the costs with an FPA insurance?
Forwarding Agent: Yes, of course. Is it all right if I send you an e-mail in about an hour, as soon as I’ve finished?
Of course I‘ll let you know the exact price with FPA insurance in my e-mail.
Edward Lee: Yes, that would be great! Thanks a lot!